Monday, June 8, 2020

Medicine And Healthcare Socioeconomics In The Delivery Of Healthcare - 275 Words

Medicine And Healthcare: Socioeconomics In The Delivery Of Healthcare (Essay Sample) Content: Socioeconomics in the Delivery of Healthcare Student Institution With such a socioeconomic status as that of Ashe County, it is no surprise that they have difficulties of delivering healthcare. There is a high rate of poverty in the county, with a population that is highly ageing. Since most people are poor, it is hard for them to afford medical bills. More so, most residents are uninsured and underinsured compared to the population of the United States. Since most residents cannot afford medical care, the cost of charity for Ashe Memorial Hospital has doubled in the recent years. This has created a challenge in providing all the medical care due to lack of equipment, medicine and healthcare providers. It is a challenge to recruit new workers due to financial problems. The local hospitals have financial issues thus it is difficult to provide speciality care for everyone. The local economy of Ashe County isreally vulnerable. There is increasing proof that rural occupants obtain less treatment for their health issues than do urban dwellers and that they obtain the treatments in common healthcare sites. Organizations ought to be mindful of the barriers that rural communities experience, like inadequate access to healthcare, thus providing screenings at familiar locations and accessible to the populates will enhance the success of the service programs (Murphy, 2013).  Healthcare organizations should also offer these rural areas...